Christopher Meyer
Class Year: 1970
Current City/State: Sarasota, FL
Major: History
Email Address: cmeyer327@gmail.com
Committee(s): Awards, Election, and Membership; Executive
Why I Wanted to Serve on the Alumni Council:
I have always been grateful to Grinnell for helping to allow me to move out beyond my midwestern, small town beginnings. I am still regularly reminded how my view of the world and my place in it have been influenced by learning and experiences I had while at Grinnell. Joining the Alumni Council is one way in which I can seek to repay my debt of gratitude by working to continuously improve the College and its relationship with the alumni community.
A Quote I Like:
"It is, Sir, as I have said, a small College. And yet there are those who love it."
―Daniel Webster (1818)
A Little Bit About Me:
My business career has been spent as a lawyer with a large multinational law firm. I am now in the process of "winding down" after 40+ years in practice. I have begun seeking to shape the next phase of my life into something stimulating and fulfilling. I am passionate about the importance of the "rule of Law" in our society, particularly in times like the present when that seems under attack.
Other Alumni Involvement: Class Fund Director; GRASP

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