Reunion Project Groups - Outreach
Although we have many ways to contact people en masse, research has shown that people attend reunions because they have been personally contacted by a peer. In fact, more than 70% of alumni say contact from a classmate influenced their decision to attend reunion.
Everyone on the committee will be responsible for completing peer-to-peer outreach in the fall and again in the spring. However, the outreach project group leads:
- Building a communications plan with DAR staff to manage four class engagement communications over the course of the year. These can be class letters, email blasts, or social media touches – we invite and encourage your creativity!
- Providing scripts and email templates to the entire committee
- Managing the outreach efforts of the committee
- And being a cheerleader to help the committee stay motivated throughout the process
- Save-the-Date messages are sent during the summer Reunion Planning Workshop.
- Registration-is-Open messages are sent during or shortly after the February full committee meeting.
- In addition to these messages, we also encourage reaching out in October, January, March, and late June following Reunion.
Outreach Tools
The committee uses a system called GiveCampus to make contacting your classmates easy. The GiveCampus platform allows all members of the Reunion planning committee to send mass emails using templates that this project group will create in conjunction with DAR staff. The mass email will still look personalized and replies will come directly to the personal email account of the committee member who sent the message. Templates are customizable by the sender. However not every classmate will have an email address. Since we want every classmate to receive personal communication, we will ask that you contact those individuals who do not have an email address listed using another method (postcards the College provides, phone call/text message, or social media). The College will provide training on the GiveCampus system during the summer Reunion Planning Workshop.
Sample Outreach Scripts (these are Word/PDF files)
Give Campus Resources (PDF files)
Social Media
The images below are for you to use on social media as well in other communications you may share with your class. To download an image, right click and select save image.
Email Banner

Instagram Story