Jay H Dick
Class Year: 1993
Current City/State: Fairfax, VA
Major: Political Science
Email Address: dickjay@grinnell.edu
Why I Wanted to Serve on the Alumni Council:
Having Grinnell College on my resume got me my first couple jobs 30 years ago. Fast forward to today, people constantly recognize it as an influential and prestigious institution. I wanted to serve on the Alumni Council to connect new and future alumni to established alumni to better equip them to be successful in today's job market. Grinnellians can change the world and make it a better place, they just might need a little help in getting started. I want to work to make more of these connections between alumni, make them more diverse and more robust.
A Quote I Like:
“Accept no one's definition of your life, define yourself.”
―Harvey Fierstein
A Little Bit About Me:
I currently oversee the government affairs department for a national non-profit organization advocating at the federal, state and local levels for the arts and creative economy. I am a dedicated Disney fan who visits the parks several times a year with my husband Chuck Salvetti. We live in Northern Virginia with our two dogs and love to travel. I am originally from Colfax, Iowa, and credit Grinnell with opening the world to me and making me a hopefully better, wiser, and empathic person.
Other Alumni Involvement: Class Fund Director, Grinnell College Museum of Art Leadership Council, Reunion Planning Committee, Grinnell in Washington DC Planning Committee.