Grinnellians Got Talent!
Although the world feels very differently lately, one thing that remains the same is that Grinnellians are some of the most talented, interesting, and socially-just people you will ever meet. As we look to the coming year ahead, Grinnell College Regional Networks would like to showcase some of the many amazing Grinnellians in the world with a series of virtual live performances.
In order to accomplish this goal, we need to hear from you! Are you a musician? A comedian? Maybe you wrote a book that you would like to do a book reading from?
Below is just a short list of the types of performers we are looking for (performers not listed are still welcome to apply):
- Musical artists
- Poets
- Comedians
- Authors
- Speakers
- Dancers
- Magicians
- Artists
- Variety Performers
If you would like to be considered to lead a performance during the coming academic year by complete this form by July 27, 2020.
Frequently Asked Questions
Will performers be paid?
Although we would like to be able to compensate all performers, the college has focused funding on supporting our current students and the health and safety of the campus community. We will advertise your event and will encourage attendees to contribute to a virtual tip jar.
How will performers be selected?
Grinnell Regional Network Planning Committees will be provided the full list of performers available and will select who they would like to invite to perform during the course of the year.
I don’t see my talent listed—can I still apply?
Of course! However, if you have questions about your particular talent, email Ashley Renstrom-Schaefer at schaefer@grinnell.edu.
Does my performance have to be virtual?
For this first year, yes, all performances will be held virtually, partly to ensure the health and safety of all community members, but also so that we can make these events accessible to the entire Grinnell community. Grinnellians from all around the world will be able to watch your performance! This does mean that preference will be given to talents that can more easily be showcased in a virtual format.