Anne S. Velma
Class Year: 1984
Current City/State: Evanston, IL
Major: Political Science
Email Address: aestein@ameritech.net
Why I Wanted to Serve on the Alumni Council:
I have served the College in a number of ways over the years and have enjoyed the connections I've made with those working in Alumni Relations, as well as with fellow alumni, younger and older. Given today's political environment, I'm especially interested in the College's diversity and inclusion efforts. Whether that's welcoming first-generation students, enabling those who can't afford to pay for college the opportunity to attend Grinnell, or encouraging and supporting a more racially and ethnically diverse student body and faculty, I am proud of Grinnell's actions and statements and I want to support those as best as possible.
A Quote I Like:
“Each one of us can make a difference. Together we make change.”
―Senator Barbara Mikulski
“Right mind, right action.”
―Zendou Martial Arts
A Little Bit About Me:
I have a dual-career life: I'm a freelance journalist, former bike racer and former editor/reporter specializing in features and profiles; and together with my husband Otis, I teach Zen-based mixed martial arts at our gym in Evanston. I also enjoy reading, gardening, cooking, meditation and gravel riding in the woods.
Other Alumni Involvement: Co-Coordinator, Grinnell-in-Chicago Planning committee; former Class Agent; former Reunion Planning committee member