Care Packages Spring 2025
In anticipation of our Spring semester final exams, the Parents and Families Leadership Council, in conjunction with the Office of Development and Alumni Relations, offers you the opportunity to send your student a finals care package
Irene Agusti ’24 shows off
a care package
Each care package is $35. Each care package includes a wide variety of items intended to give students a boost going into finals. If your student has food allergies, we will be able to replace an item with a suitable alternative.
We also ask you to consider ordering an additional package for a student who might need a “pick-me-up” during finals week. Last fall, 135 students benefited from others’ acts of kindness. We work with offices across campus to identify students who will benefit from a kindness care package. With your support, we can continue offering this important program to our students.
Your student(s) will be notified via email that they have received a care package and will be able to collect it on either Wednesday, May 7 or Thursday, May 8. If your student does not pick up their package on either day, or make alternative pick-up arrangements with us, we will donate their care package to Student Health and Wellness (SHAW) to hand out to students in need of a “pick-me-up.”
Once you complete the order for a care package, you will be provided a link to an online form to send a personalized message to your care package recipient.
Final care package orders are due April 23.
There is an optional $25 Pioneer Bookshop gift card, which can be added to your student’s care package.
A sample care package. Items in the care packages may not be identical to the items displayed.
Please make your selection(s) below.
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Please consider making an additional gift to the Pioneer Fund
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Spring 2025 Care Packages:
Care package with bookstore gift card
Kindness Care Package