Bernard Jackson, Jr.
Class Year: 1986
Current City/State: Maynard, MA
Major: Philosophy
Email Address: bernard_jackson93@msn.com
Why I Wanted to Serve on the Alumni Council:
Besides beginning a more intimate and active relationship with alumni community, I'd like to involve myself in some campus initiatives. I'm especially interested in the Grinnell's commitment to diversity, inclusion, and belonging initiatives. I am proud that these initiatives have been highlighted in the "Grinnell Magazine" on a number of occasions. I do this work on my present college campus (I'm an Assistant Professor of Philosophy), and I like apply what I've learned to my beloved Grinnell.
A Quote I Like:
“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”
―Martin Luther King, Jr.
A Little Bit About Me:
I'm an Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Regis College in Massachusetts. Besides my teaching duties, I am chair of an Employee Resource Group for faculty and staff of color. I am deeply committed to campus issues dealing with diversity, inclusion and belonging. My academic areas of research are in moral philosophy, the Philosophy of Law, and African-American philosophy. I have two sons, Evan and Benjamin, with my former spouse. I am currently married to Claudia Jackson, and we have a little boy named Patrick. I am passionate about helping my fellow human beings to become better critical thinkers. Manipulators are everywhere!
Other Alumni Involvement: Planning Committee for Black Alumni Weekend (2014), Boston Regional Network