Shelley Aggeler Harper
Class Year: 1987
Current City/State: Colorado Springs, CO
Major: Sociology
Email Address: sharper02@gmail.com
Why I Wanted to Serve on the Alumni Council:
I joined the Alumni Council because I want to help make connections among alums as well as between current and past students. Interconnection and interaction serve both people and the college. That’s the living, breathing heart of Grinnell.
Also, I want to continue to give back to the college and the people that helped form the person I am today.
Grinnell has given me much more than I could ever hope to repay. Being a member of the Alumni Council is but one way to pay Grinnell back...and forward.
A Quote I Like:
“The ultimate lesson all of us have to learn is unconditional love, which includes not only others but ourselves as well.”
―Elizabeth Kubler-Ross
A Little Bit About Me:
I’m Wade’s wife, Phyllis and Greg’s daughter, and Brian’s sister. I’m the inadequate unpaid staff for two cats, Mad Molly and Littlebit. Like the cats, I’m always curious. I’m a learner and a teacher. I can be a goofball who likes stupid jokes.
I’ve been a social worker and psychotherapist, a research and instruction librarian, and now I work from home as a knowledge management specialist for a short-term rental management company called Evolve.
I knit. I’m trying to teach myself tapestry weaving as well as mosaics. Oh, I’m also learning about taxonomies and ontologies. And my biggest passion project is writing a non-fiction book.
Other Alumni Involvement: GRASP Volunteer; Internship Host; Reunion Planning Committee