YAS, Boston!
Samantha Pilicer ’15, and the Office of Development and Alumni Relations invite all alums from the classes of 2013-2023 to the Grinnell-in-Boston Young Alumni Social (YAS).
Enjoy an evening at Russell House Tavern meeting new friends and reconnecting with old friends at this happy hour-inspired event. The College will provide light snacks and the first round of drinks (choose between a non-alcoholic beverage, beer, or wine).
Young Alumni Social
7-9 p.m. | Thursday, Feb. 8
Russell House Tavern
14 John F. Kennedy Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
Register online or by phone at 866-850-1846 by Monday, Feb. 5 at 11:59 p.m. There is no cost to register for this event. Space is limited, so register quickly!
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