Benjamin Vaughn, Jr.
Class Year: 2015
Current City/State: Takoma Park, Maryland
Major: Gender, Women's, and Sexuality Studies
Email Address: ben.vaughn05@gmail.com
Why I Wanted to Serve on the Alumni Council:
I have always been an ear to those who felt unheard or those who may have a hard time connecting. I participated in Athletics (yay Swimming/Diving and Track), Theater/Dance, QAA in Stonewall, KDIC, and Noteworthy acapella as a DC Posse Scholar (DC7) during my time as a student. I had a great time on campus but felt the students' voice was often limited in power. I joined the Alumni Council in the hopes of bringing light to celebrations and trials facing current students and recent alumni to create a more cohesive bridge between campus and community.
A Quote I Like:
“The sun doesn’t give light to the moon, assuming the moon’s gonna owe it one.”
―Linkin Park
A Little Bit About Me:
I teach 2nd Grade in a Title I DC Public School. This was my first position after Grinnell as I accepted the call to join Teach for American DC Region as a Corps member, and I am still teaching at my placement school. I love teaching, and while it is challenging, it ultimately is exponentially as rewarding when you review all the progress at the end of the year. I am a certified indoor cycle instructor and fitness professional which is my current side hustle/passion. I love running classes in-person and cardio classes on Instagram.
Other Alumni Involvement: Reunion Class Committee; Class Fund Director