Registered Guests
Results: (1 - 25) of 137
NameClass of
Adrienne Adams
Kenneth W. Adams1980
Louise E. Alcorn1992
Luz H. Alfaro2022
Sarah J. Anderson1998
Scott W. Anderson1998
Mark Baechtel
Emily Bahnsen
Jordan Bancroft
J'remi I. Barnes2019
Kari R. Bassett1998
Teresa M. Baustian1974
Vincent S. Bechtel1989
David Beukelman
Jillian N. Beukema
Benjamin R. Binversie2017
Buddy R. Boulton
Renee F. Bourgeois Parsons1996
Elizabeth Burns
Jayn L. Chaney2005
Monica Chavez-Silva
Paul A. Chrisman1999
Edward D. Cohn
Kevin F. Connors2018
David W. Creasey2004
Results: (1 - 25) of 137

Please note: this list will not include some registered guests. If you are concerned about your group’s registration, please review the confirmation email you should have received.

Image: Hands stacked as if in the middle of a huddle. Text: Des Moines Logo: Grinnell College / Campaign

Experience. Learn. Celebrate.

This special event, led by alumni, students, faculty, and President Raynard Kington, is not your usual Grinnell event. Enjoy live music, interactive engagement zones, and much more — all to help you experience firsthand how Grinnellians come together to serve the greater good!

Hosted by Trustee Connie Wimer and Frank Fogarty

Thursday, October 17, 2019
6 p.m. – Cocktails
6:30 p.m. – Program Begins

The Temple for Performing Arts
Grand Hall
1011 Locust Street, Des Moines

Parking is available in the parking lot south of Locust St. between 9th and 10th Streets for free after 5:00 p.m. on weekdays. On-street metered parking is available throughout downtown as well.

  1. Step 1 Selection
Thursday October 17
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Please register below.
Not Available
Thank you for your interest in the Des Moines Campaign event. At this time, we have reached capacity. If you are interested in being added to a waitlist, please email