Why I Wanted to Serve on the Alumni Council:
The late 1960's was a time of immense unrest in America and on the Grinnell campus. That tumult is being revisited again with all sectors of our society under extreme distress, including traditional American higher education. Grinnell is not immune to the financial challenges and new questioning about the value of residential liberal education. Having lived through the '60's (barely), I hope I can bring insights of value on career flexibility for students and financial options for the institution.
A Quote I Like:
"Remain awake in the revolution."
―Dr. King's speech at Grinnell in 1967
A Little Bit About Me:
Like many classmates, I went straight to law school after Grinnell and then a very corporate law firm in Minneapolis. Not enjoying that, I shifted to public service in MN state government for the next 22 years with my last position being Commissioner of Finance. When the other party took power, I moved to the nonprofit sector as CEO of five nonprofits including a small BFA-granting art/design college. I was a co-founder of several nonprofits including the Center for Victims of Torture. Now I'm mostly retired but teach nonprofit law and finance at University of St Thomas and do pro bono law work with area nonprofits.
Other Alumni Involvement: Reunion Class Committee; CLS Volunteer

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