Registered Attendees
Results: (1 - 23) of 23
NameClass of
Laurel H. Amsel1985
Charles M. Becker1976
Jennifer B. Beinart2006
Michael D. Breed1973
Mary W. Chrestenson-Becker1977
Harry Derderian1974
Maya J. Dhakal
Rachael D. Dhakal-Green1997
Emily D. DiLeo1997
Julie A. Estlick1992
Kelly Fetsko
Noah A. Fetsko2028
Macaela M. Holmes Fuller2010
Katherine A. Kramer1976
Laura M. Melton2002
Jessica A. Reidies2009
Cheryl A. Ristig1975
Joseph C. Robertson2019
Grace R. Robertson-Lloyd2016
Martha R. Rosner1974
Rosemary Sadowske
Erika R. Smith1990
Kim W. Thomas
Results: (1 - 23) of 23

Please note: this list will not include some registered guests. If you are concerned about your group’s registration, please review the confirmation email you should have received.

White text and a green background. A stylized sun sits behind the text. Text: Summer Picnics. The Grinnell College logo in all white sits above the text.

Grinnell-on-the-Front Range Summer Picnic

Julie Kaster Estlick ’92, Macaela Holmes Fuller ’10, and the Office of Development and Alumni Relations invite you to the Grinnell-on-the-Front Range summer picnic.

Summer picnics are fun, casual get togethers for Grinnellians. All members of the Grinnell Community — alumni, current students, incoming new students, family members, and friends — are welcome at summer picnics.

Grinnell-on-the-Front Range Summer Picnic
4–6 p.m. | Sunday, July 28

Foothills Community Park
Shelters A&B
800 Cherry Avenue
Boulder, CO 80304 

Register online or by phone at 866-850-1846 by Wednesday, July 24 at 11:59 p.m. CT.

Potluck and parking information will be included in your confirmation email.

  1. Step 1 Selection
  2. Step 2 Registration
Sunday July 28
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Please register below.
Event registration summary
Grinnell-on-the-Front Range Summer Picnic: