A class is being taught outside in the learning grove outside the HSSC. Text: Thank you Grinnellians!

Students reflect on how giving enhanced their Grinnell experiences

Thanks to the generosity of alumni, students, parents, faculty, staff, and friends of Grinnell College, more than $24 million in gifts and commitments was raised in fiscal year 2024 (July 1, 2023-June 30, 2024). How does all this support effect the student experience? Four students explain what it means to them.

Zachary Spindler-Krage ’25 sings during a voice lesson.

“Many of the opportunities have only existed because of donations. I think that the impact of donations is difficult to quantify since the lasting impacts are often indirect. Donors create ripples – your donations change people, who subsequently go on to change other people. Grinnellians seem to do a great job recognizing the potential they have to create positive change, as long as they are afforded the chance to try.”

– Zachary Spindler-Krage ’25

Destant Best ’25 smiles while holding a green snake.

“The internship provided me with countless opportunities to contribute to projects that had a real impact on the environment and the world around us. It opened my eyes to new opportunities in fields I didn’t know existed. I really made the most of the internship because I was open to new opportunities, and I’ll continue to live with that concept in mind. It was a life-changing experience.”

Destany Best ’25 whose internship studying biodiversity and conservation in Southeast Asia was funded by the Professor Andrew Hsieh Career Exploration Fund

Emily Brewer ’24 rises for a set during a Pioneer Women's basketball game.

“The athletics department at Grinnell makes me proud by taking charge of the heart of the College’s mission. I have always felt heard and free to express my opinions, which allows everyone to facilitate an open exchange of ideas. Additionally, coaches and student-athletes often lead the charge in social change on campus and are highly involved in things outside of athletics, which makes for a more cohesive and interactive student body and has personally brought me many great relationships in various groups on campus.”

Emily Brewer ’24, Grinnell College volleyball player 

Jasiah Villalta ’26 speaks during an interview in the library.

“Grinnell has given me the space to grow and flourish in a way I would never have back home. I feel like I’ve been able to experience a great leadership role with SGA. I’ve been in so many different spaces and have been talking to so many different people who have given me all the support that I need. I think that statement ‘I stand on the shoulders of giants’ is so real here, and I’m so grateful for that.”

Jasiah Villalta ’26 who was featured in a video with Isabelle Kolleth ’24.