Rev. Jake Miles Joseph
Class Year: 2011
Current City/State: Milford, CT
Major: French (and almost History)
Email Address: jakemiles.joseph@gmail.com
Why I Wanted to Serve on the Alumni Council:
Grinnell College has become an increasingly important part of my life and identity since graduation. I finished Grinnell a semester early, but I stayed in the town as a full-time hospice chaplain intern for my last semester with the local hospice and hospital. For this reason, I am passionate about the college and the relationships students have with Grinnell, Iowa—an incredible town and place of learning! I am who I am today because of Grinnell College and Grinnell, Iowa. I want to support diversity and inclusion initiatives and the current students, staff, faculty, and the wider Grinnell, Iowa community with my time on Alumni Council.
A Quote I Like:
“It takes no compromise to give people their rights...it takes no money to respect the individual. It takes no political deal to give people freedom. It takes no survey to remove repression.”
―Harvey Milk
A Little Bit About Me:
I have been at First Church Guilford, CT as their Associate Minister since September 2019. Before Connecticut, I spent five years at a congregation in Northern Colorado where I chaired the housing authority Board of Commissioners, was involved nationally with housing authority advocacy and policy as a National Commissioner for NAHRO, was on the board of Habitat for Humanity, and was a member of the Colorado Governor's Clergy Council. My husband, Gerhard, and I met in Atlanta when he was at the CDC as a researcher and I was in graduate school at Emory University. We live in Milford, CT and enjoy hiking, skiing, and exploring New England!
Other Alumni Involvement: Co-Founder/Co-Coordinator of Grinnell-in-Southern New England region, Co-Coordinator of Grinnell-on-the-Front Range region, 2015-2018 Fort Collins Grinnell brewery crawl founder and organizer, Class of 2011 Reunion 10 Year planning committee, 2019 and 2020 Multicultural Reunion Planning Committee, 2021 HackGC Panelist and Guest Judge, Admissions volunteer, 2021 Pioneer Alumni Award Recipient

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