Lester Alemán
Class Year: 2007
Current City/State: Winter Park, FL
Major: Sociology
Email Address: lester.aleman@gmail.com
Why I Wanted to Serve on the Alumni Council:
I joined Alumni Council to serve as a guardian of the mission of Grinnell College. We attract a unique student body that—when cared for—has the potential to propel our nation into progress. I'm proud to push Grinnell to think critically about the role it plays in how it attracts, educates and graduates future Grinnellians.
A Quote I Like:
“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
―Maya Angelou
A Little Bit About Me:
I am a diversity strategist by trade and now work in higher education, while consulting for private and public clients on the side. My life passions include coffee, donuts, brunch and social justice. I'm very passionate about the mission of The Posse Foundation—an organization that enabled Grinnell to look at me as a potential candidate through a different lens of recruitment; beyond traditional measures that tend to overlook and limit talented young people in this country. Without Posse, I would not be a Grinnellian.
Other Alumni Involvement: Los Angeles Regional Planning Committee; Center for Careers, Life, and Service (CLS) Mentor

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