Why I Wanted to Serve on the Alumni Council:
I joined the Council because Grinnell's values--excellence in education, diverse community, and social responsibility--continue to guide my adult life. And since my 2008 graduation, I have found purposeful involvement with the college as an alumna: hosting externships and co-leading the Grinnell-in-Des Moines regional alumni committee.
I joined the Council to facilitate opportunities for other alumni to experience rewarding engagement with the college.
A Quote I Like:
"And the corollary to carpe diem is gratitude, gratitude for simply being alive, for having a day to seize. The taking of breath, the beating of the heart. Gratitude for the natural world around us — the massing clouds, the white ibis by the shore. In Barcelona a poetry competition is held every year. There are three prizes: The third prize is a rose made of silver, the second prize is a golden rose, and the first prize: a rose. A real rose. The flower itself. Think of that the next time the term “priorities” comes up."
―Billy Collins Commencement Speech, Colorado College, May 19, 2008
A Little Bit About Me:
I've worked primarily in insurance, first in actuarial areas and now in product management. I have an MBA and enjoy talking about business ideas. I live on my family's farm and grow sweet corn. I love cycling and am coming to enjoy mountain biking and Iowa gravel riding almost as much as RAGBRAI. Two of my siblings are also Grinnellians (Stuart Hoegh '17, Harrison Hoegh '18).
Other Alumni Involvement: Regional Planning Committee; Externship Host

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