The Grinnellian 2023 Archive
The Grinnellian is a monthly e-newsletter launched July 2019 to broadly share Grinnell College stories, events, and activities. Besides being informational, a key goal of the newsletter is demonstrate the differences donors and volunteers are making in the lives of current and future Grinnell students.
The Archive
Please note, the archived issues of The Grinnellian are exact versions of the e-newsletter sent out. As such, some of the events, contests, and links may have expired. If you have any questions, please contact us at alumni@grinnell.edu.
2023 The Grinnellian Trivia
In each issue of The Grinnellian, we include a Grinnell trivia question. The first five who reply each month with the correct answer wins a prize. Please see the archived questions, answers, and a list of winners.
December 2023
What character did Walter Koenig ’58 portray on Star Trek?
Answer: Pavel Chekov
Winners: Louise Alcorn ’92, Dana Sly ’15, Jin Chang ’18, Anthony Fitzpatrick ’18, and Sharon Falduto.
November 2023
In 1991, Grinnell’s Human/Gay Resource Center was renamed to what?
Answer: Stonewall Resource Center
Winners: Sharyn Obsatz ’93, Steven Sacks ’95, Javon Garcia ’14, Ian Soderholm ’15, and Cassie Oliver.
October 2023
Where was the original location of Grinnell’s Pub Quiz?
Answer: Lyle’s Pub
Winners: Chris Zug ’93, Mitch Avitt ’10, Gina Falada ’16, Zainab Thompson ’22, and Tara Rawlings ’23.
September 2023
What Grinnell music ensemble has performed in Romania, Russia, and Finland?
Answer: The Grinnell Singers
Winners: Revae Nelson ’02, Kate Giuca ’07, Deborah Gertner ’08, Clare Patterson ’08, and Ari Anisfeld ’09.
August 2023
What do the flags hanging above Spencer Grill represent?
Answer: The different nationalities of current Grinnell students
Winners: Lester Alemàn ’07, Paige Wheeler ’16, Zainab Thompson ’22, Khondamir Imomnazarov ’23, and Paul Catanzaro.
July 2023
Who was the longest serving Grinnell College president?
Answer: John Hanson Thomas Main
Winners: Ann Lousin ’64, Jim Hamilton ’65, Kim Thomas ’72, Tara Rawlings ’23, and Gene Wubbels.
June 2023
“The men of old were strong and bold” are the first few words of what school song?
Answer: Here Comes the Pioneers
Winners: Gary Wilson ’66, Jane Meyer ’67, Amy Spitzer ’73, Jim Strickler ’78, and Carissa Lehning ’22.
May 2023
What DAR staff member is Grinnell softball’s all-time leader in career doubles?
Answer: Dinah Zebot ’03
Winner: Rania Robb ’03
April 2023
What alumna was co-founder and president of the League of Women Voters Iowa chapter?
Answer: Louise Rosenfield Noun ’29
Winners: Betsy Clarke ’69, Bob Eckardt ’73, and Chris Zug ’93.
March 2023
What College building was the first in Iowa to receive LEED gold certification?
Answer: CERA’s Environmental Education Center
Winners: Cindy Maier ’70, Natalie Rehm ’96, Carissa Lehning ’22, Pamela Cox, and Em Heath.
February 2023
Who was the first African American woman to receive tenure at Grinnell College?
Answer: Kesho Scott
Winners: Jack Spence ’64, Jon Gray ’73, Rae Whatley ’88, David Fuller ’90, and Emma Knatterud-Johnson ’05.
January 2023
What residence hall was initially built to accommodate the Officers’ Candidate School during WWII?
Answer: Cowles Hall
Winners: Ann Lousin ’64, Kim Thomas ’72, Susan Grodsky ’74, John Nordmeyer ’83, and Anushka Kulshreshtha ’21.