Becky Reetz Neal
Class Year: 1965
Current City/State: Center Harbor
Major: Psychology
Email Address: rrn168@gmail.com
Why I Wanted to Serve on the Alumni Council:
I appreciate opportunities to be useful, and I've always enjoyed teamwork. Joining the Alumni Council offers me a way to show gratitude for all that Grinnell has given me. It not only gave me a great education, it offered a vision of future possibilities and introduced me to the world beyond my home in rural Iowa. Becoming a member of the Alumni Council offers another chance for meaningful activity. I look forward to working, learning, and creating with a diverse group of talented individuals. It's another chance to give back.
A Quote I Like:
"The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well."
―Ralph Waldo Emerson
A Little Bit About Me:
Mostly retired, I've worked in mental health for nearly 50 years. My career journey began with an MSW. After more than a decade in psychiatric social work I enrolled in medical school and then completed a residency in psychiatry. In recent years I've combined teaching and clinical work in a public sector hospital. Currently, I continue to do a little teaching and serve in various capacities in my church, PEO, and state medical and psychiatric societies. I'm an advocate for health care legislation, and social justice. I love long walks with my dog, skiing, exercising at the gym, working in my yard, time with friends, and mentoring.
Other Alumni Involvement: Reunion Class Committee