Q.E.D.: What Emily Dickinson's math books did for me
In 2013 Professor Moore audited Steve Andrews’s class on Emily Dickinson and Walt Whitman during the spring semester. He had found Dickinson’s poems intriguing but perplexing and thought he could use some help.
“I loved Steve’s teaching, enjoyed discussions with the students, and did all the assigned work—except for the final research paper,” Moore says. “The ‘audit’ permitted my final omission, but my academic guilt would not let that demerit lie. Five years later the demerit was expunged, and I had gained an unexpected publication. I will share the story of that process and the lessons we might draw from it.”
Faculty Member: Tom Moore
Discussion Date: Mar. 9, 2022 at 3 p.m.
Meet Professor Moore
Professor Moore’s scholarship has mostly been in statistics education, where he has contributed journal articles, organized and participated in sessions and panels at national meetings, edited one book for the Mathematical Association of America, and participated and occasionally chaired committees of the MAA or ASA on statistics education. His very best professional idea was to found, with Rosmary Roberts of Bowdoin College, the Statistics in the Liberal Arts Workshop (SLAW), an amazing group of statisticians from colleges similar to Grinnell that has met annually since 1987 to promote various projects. Outside of work, Moore likes to read (especially poetry and biography), play with his grandchildren, cook, take walks, swim, run, listen to music, watch birds, do crosswords with Emily, hang out with friends, and stay involved with the work of my church.
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