Vivek Venugopal
Class Year: 2001
Current City/State: San Francisco, CA
Major: Computer Science
Email Address: vivek.venugopal@gmail.com
Why I Wanted to Serve on the Alumni Council:
I chose to serve on the Alumni Council because I have always had the urge to connect with and support current students and alumni through the vast Grinnell network. Most of the jobs I have had since graduating can somehow be traced back to the support of a Grinnellian - whether it was because they were the hiring manager, a professional referral or simply a personal connection that made an introduction at a social event. I'm looking forward to finding more interesting and engaging ways to connect the alumni community with students and recent grads and support them on their journeys in much the same way that I felt supported in my time at and after Grinnell.
A Quote I Like:
“You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”
—Inigo Montoya, The Princess Bride
A Little Bit About Me:
I graduated from Grinnell College in 2001 with a degree in Computer Science, because I’m Indian … and that is required. After putting in my four years of mandatory service as a software developer, I moved into the world of non-profit fundraising for a hospital foundation and then a global literacy non-profit. I am now working with a company (FLs+) that helps individuals become better communicators and collaborators using the tools of improv and performance. More importantly, I am a father to two girls and a husband to one wife. In my spare time, I try to sing, play music, and change the world.
Other Alumni Involvement: CLS Volunteer