G. Christopher Meyer '70

Sarasota, Fla.
Major: History - KU
Stewardship Committee, Election and Membership Committee

Chris Meyer '70 first learned about Grinnell long before reaching college age. His father and the late John Pfitch coached together early in their respective careers and his parents remained lifelong friends with John and Emily. Chris and his family made frequent stops in Grinnell during trips across Iowa to visit family in Illinois.

Chris spent his first two years in West Norris Hall. In 1968, with the integration of the two campuses, Chris became the first male president of Haines Hall.

In 1969, Chris transferred to the University of Kansas for personal reasons that seemed important at the time. He sought a leave of absence, but was turned down pursuant to a Grinnell policy about Senior Year leaves, which was then changed the following year. So Chris transferred to the University of Kansas, where he received his B.A. in history. However, Chris has always considered Grinnell as his true Alma Mater.

Chris went on to get a J.D. from the University of Pennsylvania Law School in 1973. He then moved to Cleveland to join the international law firm, Squire Sanders & Dempsey, with which he has practiced for 43 years.

When one of Chris's "city-kid" daughters looked at Grinnell as a possibility, she dismissed it as being "in the middle of a cornfield." She then chose to enroll at Carleton, ironically in the middle of just another cornfield.

In 2013, Chris moved to Sarasota, Florida to escape those cold midwestern winters. He continues to practice on a reduced basis from his home office in Sarasota.

Chris's been active throughout his career in a variety of professional organizations and charitable institutions. In 2015, he became the Class Fund Director for the Class of 1970. He also enjoys bicycling and the many varied cultural activities available in Sarasota.

Posted June 2016